
Ten life lessons at 29

Published: 08-Aug-2022
Recently turned 29. Here are 10 life lessons I learned that have helped me tremendously
  1. Starting to dig your nose is a great way to signal the other person that you want to end the conversation
  1. Don't have tough conversations with parents near the shoe rack
  1. Cinema halls provide you the perfect opportunity to get away with farting loudly in a public place
  1. [For men only] - Don't be waist size 34. That size is the most common and always out of stock. 32 or 36 is just fine
  1. You can get away with owning half the number of pants as your shirts
  1. Big fat weddings are just a way for elders to legitimize sex socially
  1. There are only 3 things that are absolutely certain in your late 20s - Taxes, Acidity, and Parental pressure to get married
  1. Do not eat dal before important offline meetings
  1. If you are paying more than ₹50 for dosa, you suck at decision-making. Also, pack your bags and move the f*ck away from wherever you are
  1. I know zilch. Go look for self-help porn somewhere else.
